Savanni’s online shop offers a wide and versatile selection of fake piercings in different forms and materials – there is something for all purposes! Whatever your style is you will certainly find the right piece of fake piercing jewelry among the hundreds of fake piercings that we have to offer. Savanni’s fake piercings gives you the chance to try what wearing pi...
Savanni’s online shop offers a wide and versatile selection of fake piercings in different forms and materials – there is something for all purposes! Whatever your style is you will certainly find the right piece of fake piercing jewelry among the hundreds of fake piercings that we have to offer. Savanni’s fake piercings gives you the chance to try what wearing piercing jewelry feels like – before you get a real piercing. Or maybe you only want to use piercing jewelry for special occasions? A fake piercing is a perfect way to give for example your party style the right edge. Go wild and find the right fake piercing for you by restricting your search for example according to the model, the material or even the theme of the fake piercing.
We have a huge amount of different kinds of fake piercings. Find the perfect piece of fake jewelry among our fake belly piercings, fake lip piercings, fake septum piercings, fake nose piercings, fake cartilage earrings, fake tragus earrings, fake plugs, fake expanders, fake nipple piercings, different kinds of fake rings, magnetic jewelry, stick on jewelry, clip earrings and fake tattoos. The fake piercings can be attached in many different ways depending on the piece of fake jewelry. We have fake piercings that are attached with a magnet or with a clip on mechanism. On the other hand we also offer fake jewelry that is set in place by screwing or pulling the piece of jewelry. Additionally we also offer fake jewelry that is attached with suction or with a sticker. The materials used in our fake piercings are surgical steel, acrylic, silver, steel, wood and rhodinated brass.
We offer magnet jewelry for every occasion – choose from various colors, patterns and models. Savanni’s magnetic jewelry is held in place by a small but efficient magnet. This means that the magnetic jewelry is light and comfortable to use. The magnetic jewelry is best suited for use in the ear conch or in the nose. In these places the magnetic jewelry will most likely not fall of since the two parts of the magnetic jewelry can be placed close enough to each other. The magnetic piece of jewelry will not stay in place if there is too much space between the two parts of the piece of jewelry. The magnetic jewelry is perfect for your ear conch since the magnetic jewelry is easy to use and the ear conch thin enough to keep the space between the two parts as narrow as possible. Our assortment also contains magnetic jewelry for the upper and the lower lip. Magnetic jewelry placed close to your mouth should be removed before you eat since the piece of magnetic jewelry may fall off and accidentally be swallowed down together with your food.
NOTE! The magnetic jewelry should not be used by children and is not meant for continuous use which means that you should remove the magnetic jewelry for example before eating and sleeping. When ordering magnetic jewelry the delivery will include instructions on how to use the fake jewelry. According to the instructions made up by TUKES (the Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency) the magnetic jewelry should not be used by people under the age of 14. Fake piercings that are attached to your body either with a clip on mechanism or by pressing the ends of the piece of fake piercing jewelry together can be used on different parts of the body. Here you can find fake belly button piercings, fake septum jewelry, fake nose piercings, fake cartilage jewelry and fake nipple jewelry. The fake body piercing ring is attached to your body either with a clip or by pressing the ends of the ring together. These fake piercings are versatile, light and comfortable to use.
Fake piercings that are attached by screwing consists of fake plugs and fake expanders where the ends of the bar can be screwed of. The fake plugs and the fake expanders that have been equipped with a bar are attached by letting this bar pierce your skin as a regular ear stud. Fake plugs and fake expanders are in fact normal earrings but look like ear stretchers when placed in your ear. The fake plugs and the fake expanders can be used in a normal ear piercing.
Fake tongue piercings are hollow on the inside and they are attached on your tongue with the help of suction. To apply the fake tongue stud on your tongue you place the piece of fake piercing jewelry between your teeth so that the hollow part is facing the inside of your mouth. Then suck all of the air out of the piece of tongue jewelry, which will cause the jewel to stick on your tongue. In some cases the piece of fake jewelry will leave a ring on your tongue caused by the suction but this is normal and will fade away by itself. The fake tongue jewelry can be cleaned and used over and over again. Remove the fake tongue jewelry before going to sleep, taking a swim, bathing, going to the sauna and before all forms of exercising. The fake tongue jewelry should also be removed before eating, drinking, kissing, chewing on a chewing gum or any other similar activities. The fake tongue piercings are not meant for continuous use.
Apart from the fake piercings our selection also consists of trendy fake tattoos in different colors that will suit any occasion. The instant tattoos are easy to use and these fake tattoos are both waterproof and safe. The jewelry tattoos will stay on your skin for 4-6 days or even more! When ordering body jewelry in the form of fake tattoos the delivery will include instructions on how to use these temporary tattoos.
Fake Piercings
Fake Piercings
Savanni’s online shop offers a wide and versatile selection of fake piercings in different forms and materials – there is something for all purposes! Whatever your style is you will certainly find the right piece of fake piercing jewelry among the hundreds of fake piercings that we have to offer. Savanni’s fake piercings gives you the chance to try what wearing pi...