Jewelry Tattoos
Jewelry for your skin! Savanni offers elegant jewelry tattoos inspired by the latest trends in jewelry design. The temporary tattoos give you a chance to shine without having to waste money or risk your health for example in the form of allergic reactions that real tattoos can cause on your skin. The jewelry tattoos gives you a great look without too much effort. ...
Jewelry for your skin! Savanni offers elegant jewelry tattoos inspired by the latest trends in jewelry design. The temporary tattoos give you a chance to shine without having to waste money or risk your health for example in the form of allergic reactions that real tattoos can cause on your skin. The jewelry tattoos gives you a great look without too much effort. Using instant tattoos on your skin is an excellent way of highlighting your best sides. The tattoos can also be called masterpieces of nonverbal communication which gives you an opportunity to express your personality in an unique way. You can for example play around with the temporary tattoos before you consider to get a real tattoo on your skin.
The skin jewelry is easy to use. Just simply cut out the form that you
would like to use from the sheet of instant tattoos and then rub it,
with the help of water, on to your skin and the body jewelry is ready to
go! The sheets of jewelry tattoos contain several different figures.
This means that you can cut in the sheet and form exactly the shape that
you would want to wear on your skin. You do not have to use all of the
tattoos at the same time.
The temporary tattoos will last on your skin 4-6 days or even more with
good care unless you do not rub them. The jewelry tattoos are easy to
use, water-resistant and safe. This means that it is easy to move,
exercise or even swim with these tattoos on your skin – and you will for
sure be the center of attention wherever you choose to go!
In order to keep the jewelry tattoo on your skin as long as possible you
should keep them away from moisturizing cream, soaps and sun creams.
Using these products on temporary tattoos will wear out the skin and it
will affect the shine of the jewelry tattoos. If the fake tattoo starts
to disappear from your skin you can apply another one on the same spot
to keep the shine on your skin. You can easily get rid of this unique
body jewelry by using soap, moisturizing cream and oil. The jewelry
tattoo will also naturally wear off your skin. When ordering temporary
tattoos the delivery will include instructions on how to use the body