Jewelry care

We continuously monitor the quality of our jewelry and the packing department strives to carefully check the condition of the products before they are sent to the customer. In spite of this it is still good to remember that jewelry will be worn out in time and their durability depends on the material and the right way of using the product. By following these instructions you can keep your jewelry beautiful as long as possible.

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Since a piece of plastic jewelry often gets dirty it is good to clean these items on a regular basis. Jewelry made of plastic can't be cocked and doesn't stand strong detergents. Instead you should use soap and warm water or extremely mild antiseptic solution to clean your pieces of plastic jewelry.

Acrylic plastic can't be put in an autoclave.


Bioflex jewelry and PTFE can stand different kinds of detergents better than acrylic but these jewels can also be cleaned with warm water and soap. PTFE can be put in an autoclave but this is not recommended for Bioflex jewelry.


Brass does not need a lot of care but it is recommended that you keep jewelry made of brass away from strong chemicals (for example perfumes, make-up and hair spray). It is also preferable that you avoid getting the brass jewelry wet in order for the surface to maintain beautiful as long as possible. On a practical level this means that you should remove for example big septum rings, which are partly made of brass, before you exercise, go to the sauna or take a bath. Especially sea water can damage these pieces of jewelry. If you want to use septum jewelry that is big and decorative and that better can stand your summer vacation you should choose a piece that is made completely out of surgical steel.


Silver tends to get dark when you use it but luckily it is easy to clean and polish up silver jewelry. There are many different tools you can get to clean your silver items. Liquid silver polishing is extremely easy and fast to use – just dip your piece of jewelry in the liquid for a moment and the jewel goes back to looking brand-new! After dipping the piece of silver jewelry in the liquid it has to be carefully washed with water to ensure that there is no remains left of the detergents on the jewel. Finish off by wiping the piece of jewelry dry for example with a soft cloth. However, you should remember that the polishing liquid also removes the tinted decorations on a piece of silver jewelry so therefore it is better to use a polishing cloth to clean this type of jewelry. The polishing cloth is an excellent alternative especially for cleaning silver jewelry and silver chains with a smooth surface. The tools that are used for cleaning silver jewelry are sold for example at the jeweler's.


 Surgical steel is a really strong material that neither darkens nor gets easily scratched. If your piece of jewelry contains decorative stones, gems or different colors you should also read the parts below about decorative stones & strass and golden jewelry.

Jewelry made of surgical steel can be cleaned for example with mild detergents and warm water.


Jewelry made of pure gold can also get dark when used and therefore it is recommended that you clean and polish your gold jewelry every now and then. Use a cleaning cloth that you can get from the jeweler's for this purpose and the gold jewelry will get back its former color and glitter. But remember to be gentle when you polish the jewelry since rubbing the piece of jewelry with a too rough hand can be unsuitable. This applies especially for jewelry decorated with small stones or for the hanging parts of a belly button piercing.

Gold jewelry can also be cleaned with soap water. Damp a soft cloth in soap water and then rub it gently on the surface of the piece of gold jewelry. You will get the best result by using thin gloves when cleaning the jewelry. Pieces of gold jewelry that has been decorated with stones or pearls should not be dipped into the liquid since this may damage the attachment of the decoration. For valuable jewelry we recommend you to get it cleaned at the jeweler's.


Try to keep the wooden jewelry from getting wet by removing them before you shower, go to the sauna or take a swim.

You can take care of your pieces of wooden jewelry by cleaning them with mild soap water and then oiling them afterwards. Oils that are suitable for this purpose are among others coconut oil, olive oil or any other kind of natural oil. By oiling your wooden jewelry you keep the wood from cracking and the surface of the jewelry stays beautiful. Piercing jewelry that has been made of wood can't be put in an autoclave.


Even though horn jewelry stand moisture a little bit better than wooden jewelry you still have to remove horn jewels before showering, going to the sauna or taking a swim.

Jewelry that has been made of horn can easily be cleaned with mild soap and by wiping the jewels with a soft cloth. It is also recommended that you polish your horn jewelry with oil every now and then.


 Jewelry made of silicone easily gets dirty and dusty on the surface when the jewel is used. Luckily these pieces of jewelry are easy to clean with mild detergents and tepid water. Silicone can be put in an autoclave.


Since titanium is a really strong material it is also a carefree material – it neither wears out nor gets scratched easily. The colors of colored titanium can fade with time but this is not harmful.

Titanium jewelry is easy to clean with mild soap and warm water. The surface of this type of jewelry can also be polished. Titanium can be put in an autoclave.


A lot of jewelry has been decorated with stones or strass and the durability of the attachment of these decorations depends on the size of the gem and the method of attachment. Stones that have been set in the piece of jewelry or that have been fastened with the aid of small "teeth" last the longest. Naturally, gems that have been glued on to the piece of jewelry are more likely to fall off. We have for example two types of nose jewelry among our silver jewelry. On one hand we offer jewelry with gems that have been glued on the piece of jewelry - these maybe look prettier but already because of the small area for the glue the gem risks falling off when you use the piece of jewelry. On the other side we also offer jewelry with set stones that, with its small "teeth", maybe doesn't look as pretty as the ones fastened with glue but that will stay fixed for longer. We have them both – the choice is yours.

Since the decorative stones that have been glued on to any kind of jewelry relatively easy fall off we recommend you to try keeping these pieces of jewelry from falling on a ground with hard surface – this will most probably harm the jewelry. You should also as much as possible keep this jewelry from getting wet or from being dipped into different kinds of detergents in order to not soften the glue and keep the gems from falling off. The smaller the stone is, the smaller the area for the glue is and the more sensitive the piece of jewelry is.

If you would like to have piercing jewelry with a lot of small glittering crystal stones you should choose an item from our Crystal Collection. The glittering surface of these jewels has been covered with a transparent film to keep the small stones from falling off. Please observe that this covering film doesn't stand high temperatures or too much moisture.